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Econometrics For Business Decision-Making

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Made in English - -
Last updated at Thu, 06-Oct-2022 - -
Level Intermediate - -
Short description Managers nowadays face myriad decision problems that will arise in any firm or organization in its quest to achieve some goals or objectives during restraints. The goal varies from one organization to the other, yet the process in undertaking decisions is similar. Forecasting the firm’s demand for the goods and services it offers to the market plays an integral role in the optimum allocation of its scarce resources. So vital decisions pertaining to the goods to produce is dependent on the manager’s or the entrepreneur’s estimate of future demand. If the production is more than the actual demand there will be a surplus of inventory that will be tantamount to stocked capital. However, if the amount of inventory is lesser than the demand, then the firm will incur opportunity loss. Hence for optimal decision, it is of great importance that the entrepreneur will apply appropriate forecasting techniques. - -
Total lessons 7 - -
Total duration 01:33:47.000000 Hours - -
Number of reviews 3 - -
Total Enrollment 12 - -
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  • Statistics 003 - Statistics for Social Sciences
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